Friday, September 5, 2014

Hayden Harris | Fancy Clothing Brand

Mood Board Fancy Clothing Brand is a high end dress clothing company, designed specifically for those planning on looking extravagant and classy.

Skeleton meets the Fancy Man.


  1. I love the clothing examples and the cars in your mood board. I wish there was more typography.

  2. I like the way you placed the text it helps the design feel more balanced. It does make it a little hard to tell what word you are using. The skeleton is very well drawn.

  3. Hayden. Re work the word, keep the colors the same to not confuse the focal point.

  4. Your first composite looks great! The second and third composites are grainy and slightly blurred though. I can tell that you took the base shot in low-light settings and the second figure's shot in a brighter light setting. Most of the give-away is the blurriness of the photos. Try steadying your camera on a tripod or bag of rice/beans and increasing your exposure time.

  5. Your composite pictures are pretty good, but I don't think they match your mood board very well.

  6. Weave poster: I really like your choice to make the face be black and white while the geometric stuff is in color. It pulls out the detail in the face and balances the entire poster. Well done.

  7. I don't really understand why you used a buck for your logo, you don't have animals in your mood board or in your original sketches. It is pretty cool though.

  8. Very nice post, impressive. its quite different from other posts. Thanks for sharing.
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