Friday, September 5, 2014

Shinano Miyazawa| Nano Meter (Clothing)

Mood Board: Nano Meter is a running clothing and apparel brand for regular and pro runners a like.

Nano Meter logo sketches


  1. Your runner looks fantastic. You can definitely tell that he is running very swiftly. I kind of get lost looking at your skeleton however, I feel as if it were a different color than the runners legs that it would add to your piece.

  2. I really like the bright colors. They give off a very sports feel. Why did you choose to have only half the figure and the skeleton showing? Why didn't you have them weaving into the letters? It feels like your poster isn't balanced. As a viewer, I want to see more of both the skeleton and the figure. I feel a little cheated having both be cut off at the bottom.
    Your drawings look great, by the way. I love the amount of shading on them!

  3. My colors are definitely my favorite part of this piece. It's hard to tell what the skeleton is and I agree with Keliana about just using half of the runner. If he interacted with the letters more and if the skeleton interacted more with the runner as well as the letters, this piece would be more than successful. You almost have it but I think it needs a little tweaking! Good job with everything else though! I love it

  4. A cheetah for a running company. Nice. The bright colors definitely match the atmosphere of an athletic clothing store. I think that you put a lot of thought and time into both of these figures. I like that you chose to put the figures so low in the poster. To me it makes sense and is more engaging as both characters are running out of frame. Maybe they could have been higher and a bit weaved into the letters, but all in all I like it. Good Job.

  5. Logo sketches: Great ideas! All of these would look great with your brand. Also great color choices!

  6. Your logo sketches are awesome! I think that my favorite one is the top left, it's pretty neat! I love the way that the type looks, it's very pleasing to the eye and very memorable!

  7. composite images - I like how you used the yellow and green (shirt and shoes) to break up all the red in the composition. The second image seems to have too much green in the clouds but other wise, it's my favorite image

  8. I really like your logo design, especially the middle one. They are really nice looking.

  9. The photos definitely match your moodboard, but it would have been nice to have seen different poses for the model. Especially since your clothing is for runners, it would have been nice to see them running or making some sort of athletic pose. I do like that you didn't just use red shirts for all of the photos and broke it up with some color.

  10. Your logo looks so good. I love it so much. Good job :)

  11. Your logo looks awesome! The mark can definitely stand on its own and the type works perfectly with the mark. You did a really great job!
