Friday, September 5, 2014

Summer Milligan Rated R Clothing

Mood Board: Rated R Clothing is a female clothing brand that has an edgy chic style.


  1. This looks like a great start, you seem to know what you are wanting to do with your brand. However, i feel as if there is only clothing here, not much personality, that may add to your board if you were to add some personality!

  2. Mood board: I can totally see where you are going with this line. (I love the style :)) The theme/idea is clear, but I would have liked to see some tag and typography to get some idea of what the logo may look like.

  3. I love the spacing of your figures in your first and second composite! For the third, it feels out of place having the final figure half out of the shot. Was that an intentional decision? Great poses and wonderful editing work in all of them!

  4. Your composite images are really well done! I feel that the clothes match the styles in your mood board really well. The bottom photo doesn't feel quite as balanced as the other two images. It feels heavy on the left side of the image. You did a really great job though.

  5. Your first composite image, the person on the wall needs a shadow, in my opinion, it looks like she is cut and pasted against it. Although, I really do like that you have three versions of her in the pictures, must have taken a lot of time.

  6. you have such great depth in your weaving poster. I feel like the model is stuck behind though. You might want to mask the parts in front of her eyes.

  7. Your logo looks cool! Razor sharp for Rated R! I'm interested to see how you will combine that with the typography. Good Job.
