Friday, September 5, 2014

Linzi Kelsey | Urban Edge

Mood Board. My clothing brand is a high end urban line.

Vector Logo. I created two separate logos to show the two designs. The first, on the left, will be the complete logo with the logo type fitting in the space between the two pieces. The second, on the right, is just the logo as a separate piece that will be used for various designs.

Logos. I will be using all three of these logos, depending on what I'm using them on.


  1. I like the composition of your poster and I really enjoy the color choices for your model. The warm colors contrast nicely with the blue background.

  2. I like the composition that you choose for your poster. The figures seem to flow together and the earthy tones of her clothes match the tortoise very well. I think that you also should have erased the letters from inside both figures. But, regardless. It looks good. Good Job.

  3. The ghost look to it is very interesting. Just wondering if you just ran out of time or done it intentionally. The design of the ghost looks good to me, also just curious of how it looks with the skeleton and figure with out the ghost look.

  4. Oh wow, I like this a lot. Both the Moodboard and the Skin Poster have a lot in common and really get your idea across of what kind of clothes. Great job on both pieces.

  5. Skin poster: I love your skin poster so much. My eyes are immediately drawn to the face then I work my way down the clothes. I also really like how her arm is draped behind the "K"--it gives it a little more depth. But I'm not sure I like that you can see through her and the skeleton yet. I can't tell if I'm distracted by that or if it adds to it. Overall, though, awesome job :).

  6. Linzi. Mask the white of the letters out from behind both figures. Concept and composition is excellent.

  7. I absolutely love your skin poster! The way that you were able to have your characters interact with the letter makes it look awesome! I love that you turned down the opacity to give it a see-through effect!

  8. Your logo sketches are great! My favorite is the one thats in the middle of that bottom row, I like the way it flows.

  9. I love your variety of logo sketches!

  10. I love how creative your logo sketches are! They're all extremely well thought out and designed! I can't pick a favorite!

  11. Composite photo: the first photo looks very organic, you made it seem like it wasn't even photoshop, it shows that you did get influence from your mood board. Awesome job!

  12. I love the garden background in all of your composites, the location looks like it was gorgeous. It feels like you should have a composite where your model is in on a street or in a coffee house though. Gardens don't read Urban as much as man-made structures do.

  13. Wow, your weave poster is amazing. Although I do feel like the part weaving through her shirt is a little awkward.

  14. I really like how you used the paint splatter in this piece. You clearly invested time into the poster. Good Job.

  15. Your weave poster is amazing! I love the colors you used! The design feels very balanced and my eye is directed to the model. I agree with Samantha the art work coming out of the girls shirt is a little awkward. I think it would help to have a little more of it go behind her.

  16. Your Foliage poster is great! I especially love the shadows, they give the poster dimension, I think thats the right word..

  17. This is awesome! the foliage poster is really well done. Good job using a dark background to make everything else pop

  18. I love the contrast between your foliage and the dark background. It really makes your poster pop!

  19. I think yours turned out AMAZING. The depth you have with all of your objects and the composition of the objects are really good. I like that the word is really clear and easy to read.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I don't know if you know by now, but I love all of your work, and your foliage poster looks amazing. The color choices are perfect and your weaving in the text is done very well.

  22. I LOVE your foliage poster! The weaving with the text and foliage is amazing! Your added shadows helped your poster a lot!

  23. Your foliage poster looks amazing! The colors work really well together! All of your work is very well done. You are a very talented designer.

  24. Luv the foilage gurl, it's totes def perf. But seriously, all of your work is fantastic and I wish I possessed such skill.

  25. Logotype: I like the one on the left with the space to have a type in it. It is not as busy when its merged together like the right side.

  26. Your vector logo is very well done! Its symmetrical and well balanced.
