Assignment 2 Skin Poster

Design a Poster

You will learn how to load and use the photoshop paintbrush. You will design the poster using a balanced composition with a static attraction relationship and utilize heavy white-space around the center figures. The poster will be 13 inches wide by 19 inches tall and at print resolution of 300dpi.   

What you need to begin:
Collect an image of a full skeleton and full figure wearing clothes at an isometric angle that would be a part of your clothing company.  Place these in a folder on your desktop.

M2 A2 Introduction 

M2 A2 Training

M2 A2 Skin Poster Example

Here are the steps to follow:
First Create a photoshop document at  13 by 19 inches at 300dpi.

Next add a background color and vignette.  Add guides 2.5 inches from the edges.  Add an image of a figure and a skeleton.

Add new layer and draw over
the top of the images using 
the brush tool.

Next add horizontal and vertical guides in the center.  Block in the word SKIN or any four letter word you like.

Next weave the letters and figures together.

Color the clothes to make a focal point.

Now save the file as both .jpg and .psd files.

Lastly post your .jpg image to the class blog and save your .psd file in a safe place to use later.

Thats it.
Don't forget to comment on at least two of your classmates projects to get participation credit.

Tools covered:
Command + D
Unlock background layer
Change background color
Burn tool > vignette 
Merge layers 
Flip an image
Discuss zoom: command +,  -
R to rotate canvas
B to return to brush
H to drag image (hand tool) Masking
Resort layers
Non destructive design
Geometric shapes

vignette is a unique form for a frame to an image.

Document Size: 
13"x19" at 300dpi 

Save As: 
first_lastname_skinposter.psd (photoshop file)
first_lastname_skinposter.jpg (.jpg file for posting and delivery to the instructor)

Post your .jpg file to the class discussion board and give a brief description of your clothing company.

Assessment:  (7 points)
Comment on the mood board of two of your classmates. (2 points)

Formal and Technical evaluation from the instructor (5 points)

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